Sequential art pieces created in various contexts.
The Ne’er-Do-Wells comic was inspired by a years’ long campaign of ‘Mutants and Masterminds’ run by my own mastermind GM. She created a world inspired by classic comics, yet so much richer and imbued with the personal touch of each player. For the following years, I illustrated a webcomic that attempted to capture the chance-based storytelling that RPG gaming inspires. Here it is on Tapas!
“The Ballad of Vaugn Schtnitzen” is the unwritten saga of mankind’s most reviled savior. To what lengths will he extend himself to protect those who cannot see the majesty of his manhood? What will one man sacrifice to become as powerful as the monsters he must defeat?

The Great Gatsby is an American classic written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and ruined by me. Beginning in 2010, I took it upon myself to reimagine the highly impressionistic novel and all its intricacies. And by intricacies, I do mean homoerotic subtext.
For my undergraduate thesis, I decided to revisit a story I had been (and still am) concocting since adolescence. “I Used to Be Somebody” is a semi-autobiographic, semi-fictional semi-novel that explores my experience living in the cross-section between JRPG gaming, fandom and queer identity. The following pages are excerpts from the paper-and-pencil production, presented in 2015.